No More Mr. Nice-Guy


A hard hitting controversial book about empowering Canadians to stand-up against criminals.


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A hard hitting controversial book about empowering Canadians to stand-up against criminals.

Barry Holland has lived a life full of occupations, training and experiences that have provided him a wealth of knowledge about security, martial arts, soldiering, policing, counter-terrorism, special operations, and international security contracting and crisis management. Repo-man, Boxer/Kickboxer, Infantry Assault Pioneer, Military Police, VIP Protection, RCMP SERT Course, Joint Task Force 2, Police Arrest Instructor, Self-defence Trainer, Locksmith, Private Investigator, International Security Contractor and Commercial Pilot; just the short list of his experiences and qualifications from which the he has stripped the best information. Combined with extensive research into legal precedents and collaboration with criminal lawyers, the reader gets the raw and the refined on the legal, practical and tactical of how to defend himself, family and property without breaking the law.


Barry has long advocated for members of the public, as good citizens, to stand up against criminals and look out for each other. In the course of every-day private life, he has made more than a dozen arrests, from impaired driving to robbery offences, and many more interventions against criminals. He has always found it disturbing when good citizens get into trouble after they stood-up against criminals, but allegedly crossed some obscure legal line, and are charged and prosecuted. Now semi-retired, he has written No More Mr. Nice-guy. This guidebook provides all the Nice-guys of Canada the clear and correct guidance they need to courageously stand-up to criminals effectively and within the law.


This Guidebook covers all the bases in clear layman's terms; the legal, practical, and tactical approach to keep your family and property safe from criminals.


  • Stay out of trouble if you stand your ground against criminals.
  • You have the authority of a Police Officer when arresting a criminal – How to use it.
  • No Duty to Protect – Police are never required to protect you. Learn why!
  • Valuable explanation of the laws about defending what is yours.
  • Learn when to use lethal force to defend yourself and property.
  • Use of force, and weapons legal for self-defence and citizen's arrest.
  • How to effect an arrest; the legal and the tactical.
  • How to prepare yourself, home and business to deal with criminals.
  • How to deal with the authorities and media after when you've dealt with criminals.


Rural and community crime is rampant in Canada, the government doesn't know what to do about it, and the police won't tell you.  No More Mr. Nice-guy tells you what you can do, and how to do it.



Price is $35.00 including tax and shipping anywhere in Canada.


Click here for a free preview of No More Mr. Nice-Guy.


No More Mr. Nice-guy is available at retail outlets in Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Red Deer, Calgary and Okotoks.


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Integrity, Knowledge, Experience, Results.

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32159 Millwoods RPO

Edmonton Alberta Canada

T6K 4C2
